How Do I Talk My Husband/Fiance/Boyfriend into Taking Pictures?

Most guys won’t fight you when you start plotting for wedding photography. It goes into the “I love you so I’ll wear the suit and a pink flower” category. However, “I love you so I’ll take Christmas and anniversary pictures with you every year” doesn’t usually come across the love radar. You can only ask so much of a guy, right?!?

For Luke, taking photos together is probably equivalent to helping me pick out nail polish or discussing the intricacies of the last episode of Gilmore Girls I watched. He’ll do it for me because he’s the best husband ever (you’re reading this, right?) but he doesn’t spontaneously place the same value on the situation as I do. Therefore, I have to help him see why photos are so important and valuable!


  • Remind him you’ll be in the picture, too. He likes to look at pictures of you, right?
  • On that note, promise to ask the photographer to take a couple of shots of you by yourself…so he can have a great photo for his desk or phone background.
  • Remind him couples photos usually involve kissing. He likes kissing you, right?
  • Strike a deal. If he’ll take pictures with you, you’ll give him control of the remote for an equivalent amount of time. Or whatever motivation works for him.
  • Let him know that candid styles of photography actually allow a couple to have a really good time together during the photo shoot. It’s not the stiff, formal stuff you find in those yellowing pics of your parents.

And then, a few DON’Ts:

  • Don’t bring out old pictures of your parents, citing the “Awwwws” you’re sure to receive in 30 years when your kids see your pictures. When he looks at those old pictures, all he’s seeing is bell bottoms and how his dad used to have that creepy/rockin’ mustache (depending on his current views of the ‘stache trend).
  • Don’t tell him he will “get” to go shoe shopping if he agrees to take pictures. Trust me, that is not usually a selling point.
  • Don’t trick him. “Hey sweetie, let’s go, um, ‘watch a movie’ tonight…yeah, a movie, right at 7:00. You should dress up!” This will not end well.
  • Don’t manipulate. Turning it into an actual fight could definitely create stress around family pictures for years to come. If all else fails, get some pictures taken of yourself, and photoshop him in! It’ll be lovely on the Christmas cards.

A typical couples session with me lasts about an hour (maybe a little more if everybody’s having fun, but you don’t have to tell him that just yet) and involves lots of fun little assignments for both members of the couple. Things like “Walk over there and kiss her like you mean it!” or “Pick her up and swing her around in a circle” are common tasks.



This pic is Emily and her husband Brian. I call Emily “the world’s leading expert on getting her husband to take pictures with her.” Her method? Remember that life is short, and anniversary pictures can help preserve the great memories! Check out more of their 3-year anniversary session here, and check out Emily’s blog here!

Now, let’s see if I can put my own tips into practice! It’s about time for some 5-year-anniversary pics of Mr. Buller and me!

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